Captain McSpacebiff: World and Story so Far

About the game

Captain McSpacebiff is a retro sci-fi FPS that draws inspiration from 50s era "Atomic Age" artwork. Our goal is to craft a world that taps into the bright optimism that Americans from that era looked toward the future with, and also contrast it with their deep fear of the Soviet Union and Communism.


Set in the distant year 3078 A.D., the Cold War has come to end with the United States of America victorious. Diligent as ever to defend Freedom and protect the world from the scourge of Communism, the U.S. has practically eliminated all Soviet influence from the face of the earth.

Faced with insurmountable odds, the remnants of the Soviet Union decided to cut their losses and run. They boarded massive space ships and took to the stars, creating a new Communist Super-State on the Moon.

A deadly duel of ideology once again faces mankind, but this time on a Solar scale. The forces of Democracy and Communism quietly circle each other in the vacuum of space... Planet America and the Soviet Moonion... each resolute... each waiting to strike...


Racing again to best each other the two powers takes to the stars seeking new planets to bring into their ideological orbit. By the year 3078 A.D. most planets in the Milky Way galaxy are outposts for one side or the other, leading to skirmishes, proxy wars, and border disputes in deep space.


Planet America Naval Space Command has been losing contact with mining colonies on the Periphery. They suspect Soviet interference but need proof before sending a peacekeeping force. That's where you come in. You (Captain McSpacebiff) have been ordered to voyage to the Periphery and investigate the situation.

You've been put into cryo-sleep for your long journey. When you awaken you see a massive blockade of starships unlike anything known in the American or Soviet fleets. Before you can even shake off your drowsiness you are spotted and the strange ships open fire.

Mustering your wits you skillfully weave your tiny craft through a maze of lasers and explosions. But just as you think you are going to make it a blast rocks your ship and sends it hurtling down to the surface...


You awake dazed in the wreck of your ship. A quick analysis shows that nearly all the vital systems for your ship are missing. If you are going to ever return to your beloved Planet America you'll have to explore this remote moon and recover all the parts of your ship.

Hopefully there's no Soviets here... or anything else...

Get Captain McSpacebiff: Destroy all Robots!

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